Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daily Decision's

I constantly come across good quotes and post them on Twitter and Facebook. I do this not merely to entertain but to pass on life altering information. In hopes that someone will read it at the right time to help them make a different decision

I believe life is all about the decisions we make on a moment by moment basis. From what we are going to eat for the next meal to am I going to get up and workout this morning. Do you ever feel yourself caught in that decision making place, knowing what the right decision is but finding it hard to go in that direction. Yeah those days when you have been on your diet for 10 days doing good. Then, you wake up this morning and the "fat guy" shows up and he doesn't want to workout or eat a healthy diet. What decision do you make then? In Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich, the lesson on DECISION, was the first on in the book. So I was looking at the today and I came across this quote and I just had to give it to as many people as will read these words.

"Winning is not normal and those who constantly win follow an ‘abnormal’ path. The discipline, dedication and sacrifices are incomprehensible to those thousands standing outside, looking in, who are capable of joining the winning team, yet unwilling to pay the price of admission. Winners win in a fair effort, on a level playing field; because they deserve to win... they willingly pay their dues in full, time after time, after time." 

I do not know where this quote came from. But I knew I needed to share this quote with you. But I would like to leave you with these words. Each One, Teach One. It is nothing special but if we just began to live our life by a different set of Principles, we could make this world a better place.