Friday, March 8, 2013

Secret Motivator that Pays....

This morning as I did my spiritual reading at 6:30 am, I had this feeling of overwhelming success overtake my being. As I had this feeling, I thought about all of those people who were getting up at that moment headed to a job that they did not like and I simply said Thank You. How often do you say those words? What does your morning ritual consist of? Do you get up with the gratitude of living another day? To receive more, we must be grateful for what we have. So here is my morning ritual.

My feet touch the ground and I say "thank you." And I let run thru my mind's eye all of the things that I am grateful for. Then I do my morning meditation, about 20 minutes. Next, I do my affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce where you desire to be in your life. Because we have to remember everything we desire already exist in the Universe and is simply waiting for our alignment. Next, I shower and listen to a little short motivational video. Last, I send the positive energy out to the all the places I have to go today. Next week I will add going to the gym to that list.

Can you imagine starting your day with what Tony Robbins calls your "Hour of Power?" This gives you the energy to fight off that boss you do not like or the employee that brings the negative energy to your organization. As I have been doing this ritual for about 5 years now. A little more consistent over the last year and a half. I still had (and have) those days that I need a little motivation. Do you work for a boss that keeps you motivated? Do you have a ritual that brings instant motivation to you? I hear a resounding NO... We all need that extra boost from time to time. So I started looking for away that can take me out a negative state. Tony Robbins says that in order to change your state you need to move. And that actually works, but not all the time. After a lot of research I think I have found motivation that is always only a few inches away from you, your phone. Well not your phone exactly, but a app that you can download on your phone. This app is phenomenal. Anybody that knows me, knows that I am into personal development. The kind of personal development that helps you grow as a individual.

I could go on and on about this app. It will help you grow in so many different areas of your life. But enough of my ranting. Don't take my word, check it out:

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